Our Trip to Manhattan Kansas
Four Mile training Run Sunday Morning
Monday, April 16th, 2012
It was tough but I really enoyed our training run in Manhattan Sunday morning April 15. Frank Dayton (in blue) put this together along with my brother Barry. My legs were not fresh after racing 13 on Saturday but it felt good to get in a few miles. We talked the whole way. Great group of guys. And thanks Terry (who did not come run with us) for the homemade energy bars. They are great! We met outside the Holiday Inn near the Kansas State Campus. My brother Barry and his wife is on the far left. This is the shirt Frank has heard about for over 30 years. It says: Distance Running News, the World's Distance Running Headquarters, Manhattan, Kansas. I printed up 24 of these in 1968 while leaving in Manhattan and attending Kansas State. I think there is only one left today! The day before we stopped by the house I lived in while publishing and developing Distance Running News. I rented the basement apartment for $45 per month. I learned how to do lay-out while working at Ag Press for Dean Coughenhour. This was in 1968-1969. He printed all the issues of Distance Running News before I moved to California. He was a key person that helped me in the beginning. He gave me good prices for printing the 10,000 copies but more importantly he gave me a key to his building so I could came back after super and work until 4am laying out the magazine. He is now 82-years-old and Dean showed us Ag Press now. My brother Barry on left did some art work for me in those early years. My brother Barry and wife Vicky took me, Catherine and Michael out to dinner Saturday night. Harry's is the best place to eat in town. Loved the prime rib... My brother Barry and I at Harry's. On Sunday we ran a mile togather. Barry's back is bothering him right now but he will be back. Photos by Catherine Cross
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Press in Kansas City
Good Article in Kansas City Star
Friday, April 13th, 2012
This article came out in the Kansas City Star the day before the Rock The Parkway Half Marathon. Thanks Pete Grathoff. He did say I was calling from Southern California. Actually, it is Northern California. Otherwise, the facts are right on. Here is the link to the article: Kansas City Star Bob Anderson It was cool to see the start of the article on the home page of the Sports Section. At the starting line the next morning. The overall winner (Paul) is in the white jersey on the left. It was a nice day to race. This is a ginature event of the KC Running Company. Beautiful course...there are a few hills...plenty of aid stations...best race medal ever...a fun event. I finished 101st overall and first 60 plus with 1:33:29. Race director Troy Fitzgerald, event director Brad Ziegler and PR director Dina did a super job. There is also a 5k. 7,500 runners in total. It sells out early... Here the link to the official site: Rock the Parkway April 13, 2013 Comments and Feedback