Katie Koeplin UjENA FIT Club Profile
A Long Run The Movie
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Member Name | Katie Koeplin |
Location | Mountain View, CA |
Age | 47 |
Sex | Female |
Years Running | 0 |
Max Distance | Just Starting |
Fastest Mile | Not sure... |
Current Mile | Not sure... |
Types of Running | |
Internet Profile Link | http://facebook.com/katie.koeplin |
Fitness Statement | I hate to say it, but I really dislike working out...especially cardio. However, I really, really love good food & good wine & good cocktails, I like to fit in my clothes comfortably, and I like not feeling sluggish all day, so I force myself to work out. I currently strength and cardio train 5 days a week, on average with my fitness guru boyfriend at his gym. I've resisted running for a long time, but I'd like to lean out, have more energy, burn more calories, get outdoors more, practice self-discipline, and challenge myself to accomplish something I never dreamed I'd be able to do.... So, running it is! |
Quote | “Beginner runner, learning to run for running's sake. (....as opposed to running away from something awful, like a bear, or running towards something amazing, like a plate of cupcakes...)” |
Running Achievements | Stumbled through the 2011 Warrioir Dash successfully, meaning, eventually made it through the whole thing without injury. The operative word here, though, is "stumble." |
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15 mins. We got to the gym late today, so I only had time for that much. But it's better than nothing I guess. I had a brand new MacBook pro waiting for me at the post office I needed to pick up after the gym, so I ran my head off, in anticipation of geeky new computer fun awaiting me.
Maybe that's what I need to incentivize my running: expensive electronics as rewards. Ha. In my dreams.
So...apparently I've been kind of stressed out.
It didn't really occur to me until I realized I had been neglecting a lot of things I usually do. Like post to this site. The good news: I didn't completely stop running, even while stressed out. The bad news: I still........kinda hate it. And I would really, really like to not hate it.
However, what I did realize, is that I feel better during the day when I run in the morning, and that it's worth it for me to suck it up and put in my 2 miles (yes. Still only 2 miles) so that I feel more energized, and less like a sedentary hippo blimp the rest of the day. I'd say it's a pretty good trade off. So I shall persevere.
I believe I'm getting a bit faster. But still can't surpass the 2 mile mark outside running the full time.
I feel great for like the 1st 5 minutes, but after that, I want to turn around and go home or crumble on the sidewalk in someone's flower bed or in a nearby shrub.
If I look at this in a more positive light though, I used to loathe every single minute of running. Now, at least I like 5 minutes of it. So there's progress for you.
Can't say I love running yet. But I also can't say I absolutely hate it with all my being. I'd say, I still dislike it. But on the scale of "mildly annoyed by" to "detest with every ounce of the soul," I'd say that "dislike it" is much closer to the former.
...but I'm calling it 3. And no, I didn't actually run the whole time. There was some ATM-ing and music store errand running in there too. But I ran for a little over 2 miles in all that.
I think I'm stuck at the 2 mile hump. I still kin of want to curl up in a ball at about 1.5 miles, so surpassing 2 seems like a stretch still, but I'm sure it'll click sometime.
I really hope so....
So my new motivator is this amazing thing called The Color Run that'll be coming to SF in July. It's a 5k where you wear all white and run and at every kilometer, you get a different color thrown at you. It looks like an Indian wedding!!! And I love color and will definitely run for that! :)
Had so much on my mind today with work that the time just flew by! Running today actually was a nice and anticipated diversion from work-related stuff. Even though I get discouraged sometimes by my lack of miles, I am encouraged by the fact that my endurance is slowly, SLOWLY increasing. Which is something. :)