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Recent UjENA Fit Club Member Race Results

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Capitola 6K  
8/25/24 Location: Capitola,CA
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 6 K Time: 28:07 Place: 6th of 190 Age-grade: 68.60...
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TCTR Trail Run@Sly Park  
8/24/24 Location: Pollock Pines,CA
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 10K Time: 58:00 Place: 5th Age-grade: 56.55...
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Asheville Half Marathon  
8/24/24 Location: Asheville, NC
Richard Hefner (M/72) Distance: 1/2 Marathon Time: 02:09:29 Place: 263/503 Age-grade: 63.82...
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SF Giant Race  
8/18/24 Location: San Francisco,CA-FIN-Oracle Park Field
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 1/2 Marathon Time: 01:51:22 Place: 258th of 1,218 Age-grade: 64.52...
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Funky Run  
8/17/24 Location: Davie Fl
Stacy S (F/42) Distance: 2.7 Miles Time: 43:42 Place: 62 Age-grade: 29.98...
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Common Ground Run For the Future  
8/17/24 Location: Sunnyvale Middle School, CA
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 10K Time: 56:00 Place: 2nd of 12 Age-grade: 58.57...
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Friday Food Truck 5k  
8/16/24 Location: Clover, SC
Richard Hefner (M/72) Distance: 5K Time: 30:09 Place: 22/60 Age-grade: 59.98...
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Pinecrest Fun Run  
8/11/24 Location: Pineecrst Lake,CA
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 1 Mile Time: 06:32 Place: 9th of 59 Age-grade: 69.39...
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48th ANN Pinecrest Run  
8/11/24 Location: Pinecrest ,CA-Tuolumne County
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 5 Miles Time: 45:20 Place: 15th of 59 Age-grade: 57.50...
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MacPass Mile  
8/4/24 Location: Halifax, NS
Dave Nevitt (M/64) Distance: 1 Mile Time: 05:39 Place: 22 Age-grade: 84.61...
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46th ANN Susan B Anthony 5K  
8/3/24 Location: Glen Hall Park-Sacramento,CA
JR Mintz (M/58) Distance: 5K Time: 24:03 Place: 15th of 255 Age-grade: 65.56...
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UjENA FIT Club Members Past Races (past 30 days) · Click here to see all past races.

Member Date Race Name Location Distance Time Plc Sex Age Age Grade
JR Mintz 8/25/24 Capitola 6K  Capitola,CA  6 K  28:07  6th of 190  M 58 68.60
JR Mintz 8/24/24 TCTR Trail Run@Sly Park  Pollock Pines,CA  10K  58:00  5th  M 58 56.55
Richard Hefner 8/24/24 Asheville Half Marathon  Asheville, NC  1/2 Marathon  02:09:29  263/503  M 72 63.82
JR Mintz 8/18/24 SF Giant Race  San Francisco,CA-FIN-Oracle Park Field  1/2 Marathon  01:51:22  258th of 1,218  M 58 64.52
Stacy S 8/17/24 Funky Run   Davie Fl   2.7 Miles  43:42  62  F 42 29.98
JR Mintz 8/17/24 Common Ground Run For the Future  Sunnyvale Middle School, CA  10K  56:00  2nd of 12  M 58 58.57
Richard Hefner 8/16/24 Friday Food Truck 5k  Clover, SC  5K  30:09  22/60  M 72 59.98
JR Mintz 8/11/24 Pinecrest Fun Run   Pineecrst Lake,CA  1 Mile  06:32  9th of 59  M 58 69.39
JR Mintz 8/11/24 48th ANN Pinecrest Run  Pinecrest ,CA-Tuolumne County  5 Miles  45:20  15th of 59  M 58 57.50
Dave Nevitt 8/4/24 MacPass Mile  Halifax, NS  1 Mile  05:39  22  M 64 84.61
JR Mintz 8/3/24 46th ANN Susan B Anthony 5K  Glen Hall Park-Sacramento,CA  5K  24:03  15th of 255  M 58 65.56
Double Road Race