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Daniel Huddleston UjENA FIT Club Profile
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2010 Avenue of Giants Marathon

Relaxing during the early miles of a full 26.2 at the Avenue of the Giants Marathon in Weott, California. A year later on the same course I ran my current personal best (PB) for the marathon in a time of 3:31. That current PB is overdue to fall dramatically based on many races I have since finished from 5ks, 15ks, 10 milers, and halves.
Member NameDaniel Huddleston
Years Running
Max Distance35+ 
Fastest Mileunknown 
Current Mileunknown 
Types of RunningRoad Runner
Internet Profile Linkhttp://danielhuddlestonruns.blogspot.com
Fitness StatementFitness - and running - is about learning what it takes to succeed at something hard. As a somewhat late bloomer to the sport of distance running, I am still young enough where I can discover my distance running potential. As I learn how to be focussed and disciplined to achieve my larger goals in regard to running, I naturally develop the same qualities to be successful in all aspects of my life.

I regularly run every day - and sometimes during race build-ups twice a day - with usually two to three hard efforts every week. I wouldn't mind racing every week, but typically average 15-20 races a year mostly through my local running club. 
Quote“Ted Haydon, "Go out fast, ... Hold it, ... Kick it in."” 
Running AchievementsFirst finisher at the second longest running ultra-distance race in the United States. In December of 2011 I ran a 6:06 to finish the Arcata to Willow Creek 40 mile Race sponsored by the Six Rivers Running Club. I consider my best performance (to date) was my 53:54 for the 8 mile race in Arcata, California in November 2011. 

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Friday, June 1st, 2012
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actual time 49 minutes wandering around Eureka, california

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012
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A.m. 5+@42:05 singley loop cw
P.m. 12.8km@60:05 track, 16x200 total time 30:05

Monday, May 28th, 2012
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5+@42:00, singley loop ccw

(90 min bike ride in p.m.)

Sunday, May 27th, 2012
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2+ w/u, 6.2 race, 2+ c/d

Sunday, May 27th, 2012
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10.9@1:32 hookton loop cw

run Looks like you are getting in some good workouts...
Bob Anderson 5/28/12 5:49 am
Friday, May 25th, 2012
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5+@41:10, singley loop cw

Thursday, May 24th, 2012
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Two runs. 5+mi@44:14 (6:30 am), 7+mi @ 65:00 (5:30 pm).

run That's a nice 12 miles for the day...way to go!!!
Bob Anderson 5/24/12 11:17 pm
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
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5+mi @ 44:37 Singley Loop CCW (bent over rows, weighted knee lifts at end) My on-again/off-again running the last month does not make running on consecutive days. Need to get back to my routine the previous two years of regular, daily running for weeks on end.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
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11mi @1:37
5mi warmup (3 on my own, last two with buddy), 28:16 of stretching, drills, 12x :40 (:65 recovery), 3mi cooldown. (everything else with running buddy).

Monday, May 21st, 2012
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5+mi@42:10, Singley Loop CW. 3x each Bent Over Rows (38lb) & Knee Lifts (10lb) immediately upon return.

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runnerYou won $50 for working out and posting every day in our Fit Log for the week ending May 27th. Congrats! BTW, if you were a 2-star or higher member we would be sending you $100. Next time...
Bob Anderson 6/4/12 2:51 pm
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UjENA FIT Club Fit Log Entries (2024) 2012

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-1 Wks 0 Days 0.0 Days/Wk Avg 0.0 mi nan avg nan avg  
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Double Road Race