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UjENA FIT Club 100 Interesting Running Articles

Best Road Races and the UjENA FIT Club is publishing 100 articles about races, training, diet, shoes and coaching.   If you would like to contribute to this feature, send an email to Bob Anderson at bob@ujena.com .  We are looking for cutting edge material.

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Pleasanton: The Masters of Double Racing
Posted Wednesday, February 11th, 2015
By David Prokop Pleasanton, Calif., may be a quiet, relaxed community across the bay from San Francisco, but where Double... Read Article
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Champions of the Double
Posted Monday, September 15th, 2014
Peter Mullin has taken Double Racing® by storm. He broke the 60-64 age group world record in the first Double... Read Article
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Double Racing Has Truly Arrived!
Posted Monday, September 22nd, 2014
by David Prokop (Editor Best Road Races) Photo: Double 15k top three Double Racing® is a new sport for... Read Article
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Pritz's Honor
Posted Sunday, May 11th, 2014
By David Prokop, editor Best Road Races The world’s most unusual race met the world’s most beautiful place, in the... Read Article

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If you need to loose a few pounds!
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
10-Step Program to Drop Pounds in a Week
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by Laura Dayton - 1. How many calories a day do I need to eat to lose weight?

This is the most frequently asked question by individuals wanting to lose weight. If the answer was simple, it wouldn’t be asked so often!

Many factors affect what happens to the calories you consume. One huge meal is more likely to be stored as fat than more frequent small meals. Meals should contain low fat protein, complex carbohydrates, unsaturated fat and fiber. Meals that are full of fat, sugar and no fresh fruits and vegetables are more likely to be stored as fat.

Try to keep the calories in your main meals around 500-800 to lose weight. Eat three main meals, and snacks, and don’t forget to count the calories you drink.

If you exercise, you may be able to eat slightly more calories. The best way to determine calories is to keep food journals and be aware of what you eat.

2. How much water should I drink each day to lose weight?

Some people mistakenly believe that drinking gallons of water each day will cause your body to magically lose weight. There is some truth to this. If you are exercising regularly with a good warm up, a strong aerobic segmen and vigorous weight training, all that water can help flush fat from your body. A massage or using an infrared sauna also encourages this fat mobilization that water can enhance. But if you are drinking water until you want to puke, and not doing anything else, you’re not going to lose any weight.

3. If I eat only low-fat and fat-free foods will I lose weight?

Probably not. Eating low fat is always a healthy alternative. To lose weight, you need to have a healthy and balanced diet with complex carbohydrates, low-fat protein and fiber. You need to read the product labels—even if you need to bring a pair of glasses with you, you must read the small print of the actual label. Ingredients listed first on the list are contained in the greatest quantities.

Simple sugars, in particular high fructose corn syrup, can contribute to more weight gain than fat. High sugar contributes to diabetes; high fat contributes to heart disease. Rather than trust label claims, you can almost be assured that if it says low fat it’s high sugar, and if it says low sugar it’s high fat.

Comments and Feedback

4. Is it that important not to eat within 3 hours of bedtime if I’m trying to lose weight?

Yes, it is. Most people do little physical activity after dinner and this slows the metabolism. This slows the burning of calories for energy, and leaves food in the stomach for a longer time.

If you are really hungry, find a low fat snack like yogurt and almonds, cottage cheese and sliced tomatoes, or some tuna and peanut butter sticks.

5. How important is it to eat breakfast if I’m trying to lose weight? I am simply never hungry in the mornings.

Breakfast is important whether you are trying to lose weight or not. The name itself means break (the) fast. If you do not provide your body with nutrients, it will steal nutrients from your muscles, lowering your metabolism, and making weight loss even more difficult.

If you are not hungry, try to get in a habit of having a protein shake. You can make them yourself, or buy them in a variety of calories, sizes, low fat, sugar free, fiber rich and any flavor you can think of for a shake. Find one you enjoy, and then make certain you drink it every morning.

6. Is it true that working out early in the day burns more calories than evening workouts?

No. The best time for any exercise is when it’s convenient for you. The effort you put in dictates the number of calories burned. Lots of people like to workout early. Others find they have more energy in the afternoons. The most important thing is that you do it. If you perform some weight training, your body will continue burning calories for next 20 hours, whether you’re up and about or sound asleep.

Cutting through the Carbs and Fat

I know it sounds weight loss can sound very confusing. I’ve put together a simple check list of things to do every day for 7 days, and I guarantee you’ll drop a few pounds. None of steps are that radical, it’s just putting them together. Hhere is the list of 10 easy things to do every day to lose 2-5 pounds in a week.

  1. Eat breakfast.
  2. Eat three healthy meals that include low fat protein, fresh vegetables and whole grains.
  3. Keep these meals between 350-750 calories; at least 2 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, less than 25 grams of sugar and 5 percent fat.
  4. Keep total sodium at less than 2500 mg. per day.
  5. Purchase healthy 100 calorie snacks and keep them handy.
  6. Eat 2 servings of fresh fruit
  7. Eat 2 servings of fresh vegetable.
  8. Consume drinks with not more than 25 grams of sugar per serving.
  9. If you blow it one day, get back on track the next.
  10. Exercise in some way each day.
Double Road Race